Saturday, May 28, 2011

Green Jell-O with Carrots (UT Deal Diva)

  • 1 large box of green Jell-O
  • 1/2 bag shredded or matchstick carrots {I like to use the matchstick carrots so that the carrot flavor really comes out. People love carrots mixed in with dessert.}
  • 4 cups water
Prepare Jell-O according to package directions. Add in carrots. Refrigerate until solid. {As solid as jell-o ever gets anyways.}

If you've used a Jell-O mold, run hot water along the sides of the mold to release the Jell-O before turning it onto a plate.

To serve, schlop a big spoonful onto a plate. Remember to nudge plate to get the full effect of the Jell-O. Remember, all good food jiggles, it's perfectly normal.

Garnishes make this dish prettier, wouldn't you agree? Doesn't that looks so pretty?
